Nutra Blend prides itself not only in supporting the industries that produce the food, but also understands its role in helping to feed an ever-growing and hungry world.

Nutra Blend partners with you to help feed kids in your community.

As a pillar of Nutra Blend’s culture and purpose, Drive to Feed Kids is an opportunity to help support those who cannot feed themselves in the communities NB customers live and work.


Nutra Blend customers can parcitipate in Drive to Feed Kids. Use the sign up form below to enroll in the program. Your NB Sales representative will be there to assist you every step of the way.

Host a Drive to Feed Kids Event

Hosting a local fundraiser is a great way to raise funds for your local backpack program while engaging with your community. View the event guide to learn how you can host your own Drive to Feed Kids.

Make a Donation

If you are a participant in the Nutra Blend Customer Rewards Program, you can donate your rewards points to make a donation of funds, milk or meat sticks to your local backpack program. Sign in to your NBCRP account to get started.